Astrology Forecast September 20 – 26, 2021
Three major astrological events impact our heavens this week, beginning with today’s Pisces Full Moon, also known as the Harvest Moon. This Moon marks the completion of a cycle and a time to reap what we have sown, as well as the opportunity to release the past once and for all.
On Wednesday, the Sun will move into Libra and mark the start of a new season: autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere. With the Sun in Libra for the next four weeks, a sense of inner peace and balance will accompany all we do. As the sign that rules partnerships, love relationships, beauty, and harmony, we’ll gravitate to the things that make our hearts sing!
It might be challenging to get much done this week, until the Moon moves into Taurus on Thursday, but we’ll be able to make up for lost time under this grounding sign.
Mercury will go retrograde again on Sunday, and with the Moon in Gemini on the same day (a sign Mercury rules) we may find it impossible to make up our minds or figure out what action to take next. Remember, when in doubt, do nothing!
As always, Mercury retrograde may be causing digital problems and electrical glitches, as well as miscommunication, lost emails and misconstrued text messages, so be vigilant when you go online and be sure back up any information you simply can’t afford to lose. During this time read the small print with great care and be more cautious when signing anything, especially important contracts. Expect delays and booking issues if you have to travel and where possible postpone your trip until Mercury turns direct on June 22nd. Most of all, practice patience when glitches or setbacks do show up as they do have a purpose and are designed to get your attention and increase awareness.
Astrology Forecast September 13 – 19, 2021
The astrological showstopper this week is Mars entering Libra tomorrow, where it will spend the next six weeks focusing our energy on love, relationships, harmony, and beauty. Even if we plan to build a new business or tackle a home project, Mars will infuse more visual beauty and balanced planning into the mix.
Today’s Half Moon in Sagittarius can cause some problems at work, family issues or public arguments and conflicts. Be sure to start your day off with a calm, level-headed mindset and take extra care to keep your cool. Best to avoid that difficult client or toxic coworker at the office, and don’t take the bait of returning your mother-in-law’s phone call today. And stay calm and centered in traffic, because road rage may be more likely today.
Tuesday and Wednesday will be our most productive days of the week, so if there’s something you simply must get done, these would be the recommended days to deal with it.
Come Thursday, the Moon will travel through Aquarius for three days, which could upend our plans or bring unexpected information or situations to the surface. The main thing to remember is to practice a lot more patience and flexibility under this influence, adjusting to whatever arises at any given moment. Expect the unexpected. And remember, if one door closes, it’s time to start looking for an open window!
On Friday and Saturday we may be experiencing some emotional upheaval in love, relationship or marriage with Venus in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius. Conflict with your partner may arise due to misunderstanding or disillusionment. If your spouse is spending time away from home this weekend, be careful not to overreact due to unfounded feelings of jealousy or abandonment.
Sunday’s Pisces Moon will give us the chance to stop and reflect, offering a great opportunity to see the higher purpose in any shifts or changes that pop up this week.
Astrology Forecast September 6 – 12, 2021
Today’s New Moon in Virgo inspires our organizational and idealistic sensibilities as we embrace the new energy in the air. The first two days of the week will prove quite productive under this influence. Use this time to clear a path and start setting up new ventures and schedules. Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius today and tomorrow adds to the idealistic and positive atmosphere. But be careful, as a Virgo New Moon can also cause us to be moody and irritable.
Balance will be the theme as the Moon cruises through Libra on Wednesday and Thursday, so we’ll be able to take a breather from the persistent pace of the previous two days. This will also be a good time to review our relationships and make sure we are connecting on a heart level with loved ones, rather than being superficial and insincere.
Wednesday’s Libra Moon conjunction Mercury in Libra will be a good day for business success and making lucrative deals. This aspect inspires us to be more focused, mentally clear and capable of making good decisions.
Venus will move into Scorpio on Friday, bringing our deeper desires and longings into focus. The spiritual aspect of Scorpio will infiltrate all we do, especially with the Moon in this sign on Friday and Saturday. Speak from the heart, follow your intuition, and trust the process. A lot of memories could surface under these influences. A walk down memory lane may fill us with gratitude and appreciation for the journey our path has taken us on.
Sunday’s Sagittarius Moon is all about having fun, so cast off the scattered vibes of this week and make this a ‘me day’ with lots of self-love and self-care. Take a day at the spa, a trip to your favorite spot, or spend the whole day catching up on all the shows you’ve missed. Whatever you choose to do, the main aim must be to feed your soul and nurture your spirit on your own terms.
Astrology Forecast August 30 – September 5, 2021
There is a fairly quiet vibe in the heavens this week, with no major astrological influences.
Today and tomorrow the Moon will travel through Gemini, inviting us to be more social. With Mercury in Libra today, this is also a good time to engage our talents for performing and public speaking. These are also good days to research information, consider your options, and change up your plans to suit your moods and desires.
Today’s Gemini Moon trine Venus in Libra is a powerful energy for romance, love and marriage. You and your partner may be unusually reliable and cheerful with each other today, and it should be easy for you to avoid arguments or conflicts in your relationship.
We will seek the comfort of home under Wednesday and Thursday’s Cancer Moon, choosing to focus on household chores or hide out under the covers in domestic solitude.
On Thursday the Mars in Virgo opposition with Neptune in Pisces could lead to a situation that you may not wish to deal with, but don’t avoid it. Instead, muster your inner strength and courage to face the issue and resolve the problem as quickly and calmly as possible. You will thank yourself for it later!
The only real action of the week heats up on Friday and through the weekend as the Moon dances into vibrant Leo and inspires us to shine. Leo represents generosity, love of self, and adventure, so we’ll move with our intuition to whatever calls us. As we close out the final days of summer and prepare to move into a new month and season, we’ll be finishing up undone tasks and mapping out a plan to bring our dreams for the future into being.
Astrology Forecast August 23 – 29, 2021
Today’s Pisces Moon will make it easier to see the spiritual side and higher purpose to all we do and encounter in this life. Be careful however to not overreact or withdraw too much from the world today, as the Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces can make us more hypersensitive than usual.
Once the Moon moves into Aries tomorrow, we’ll have more drive and energy to get things done! This will be a great time to start new projects and take in very challenging tasks.
Thanks to the newly ensconced Virgo Sun today, all we essentially have to do is simply think something, and we can manifest it. Since Virgo rules health and technology, it is good idea to take action now to schedule that overdue medical checkup, as well update apps and clear out old files on your computer or smartphone. The time of Virgo is about taking care of business, and catching up on the procrastinated things you’ve been moving from list to list over the last two months!
The Moon will move into Taurus on Friday and continue the trend of getting things in order, especially on Saturday, when we’ll find it’s time to clear out the garage, clean up the garden, or make that household repair we’ve been putting off. It will also be best to stay busy at home doing something constructive, as the Taurus Moon square Jupiter in Aquarius could lead to reckless spending and love relationship issues. Doing useful chores might be the wise option.
Luckily, Sunday is a relaxed energy day, as Mercury moves into Libra and the Moon dances into Gemini. It is a day made for socializing, creative pursuits, or just being a shameless couch potato! Enjoy.
Astrology Forecast August 16 – 22, 2021
A sense of peace and balance emerges in the heavens this week, as Venus, Mercury, the Sun, and Neptune all travel through their home signs generating the message that all is right with the world.
The week starts off on a lighter note under today and tomorrow’s Sagittarius Moon. However, focus on staying centered an grounded today as a Sagittarius Moon square Mars in Virgo may cause to be unusually agitated or impulsive, and there is also the possibility of getting into an unwanted argument with your significant other. Do not take the bait and keep your cool!
When the Moon moves into Capricorn on Wednesday, our productive sides will emerge and have us making up for lost time before the weekend arrives.
Uranus will be slowing to go retrograde on Thursday, but its effects will be so subtle we may not even notice. This planet will travel backward for the net five months, not resuming forward motion until mid-January of next year. This energy gives us the chance to go back and do things differently, revise our plans and ideas, and to realize the bigger picture Spirit is painting for us.
Friday and Saturday the Moon will travel through Aquarius, bringing out our social and humanitarian sides. This is a great time to reach out to friends and family to see how they are doing and make sure they have everything they need.
Two major events occur on Sunday, starting with the second Aquarius Full Moon of the year (the last one was in July), followed by the Sun’s entry into Virgo. A Virgo Sun helps us prepare to move into a new season, as it inspires us to organize, recommit to a schedule and pay closer attention to the details of our lives. For the next four weeks, we’ll find ourselves drawn to a more orderly and balanced way of living, and as we take stock of the things we are preparing to harvest after a long season, our gratitude levels and sense of accomplishment will become apparent.
Astrology Forecast August 9 – 15, 2021
You may feel overwhelmed or take on too much today and tomorrow, as the Moon moves through expansive Virgo. Remember to pace yourself and where possible, delegate!
Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces could create some awkwardness in our relationships and romantic lives today. Former sexual inhibitions or shyness may resurface, or unfilled erotic desires may emerge that could lead to uncharacteristic behavior and unwise sexual choices. Avoid the temptation to stray from a committed relationship today, as it may not end well.
Tomorrow’s Mercury in Leo opposition to Jupiter in Aquarius may cause conflict in discussions about religion and politics. We may also be prone to talk to much and even reveal confidential information that is not ours to disclose. So, tomorrow it may be best to keep our opinions to ourselves, stay out of the office gossip, and say as little as possible, despite our burning curiosity.
The Libra Moon will fortunately lighten the mood for the second half of the week, allowing us to flow with more realistic and achievable goals. That will be punctuated by Mercury’s move into Virgo – it’s ruling sign. It is the perfect time to brainstorm, map out a plan of action, or gather missing details for future projects.
Mercury in Virgo has a way of bringing forgotten ideas to the surface, so we may experience an ‘aha moment’ later this week, as we recall important obligations that have fallen to the back burner. We may also think of friends we’ve lost touch with (social media could reconnect us) and go in search of lost items or paperwork.
A Scorpio Moon this weekend will inspire us to dive deeper into neglected creative or spiritual pursuits. And with Venus moving into its ruling sign of Libra, romance or the search for true love could also prove a fruitful endeavor on Sunday.