Now Is The Time To Celebrate Life!
The time has come to recognize how far we have come and celebrate the sheer joy and privilege to be alive. Although Covid-19 is still around, and I personally know several people who are just now recovering from the illness, we are in a much better position now than a year or two ago. We have a lot to be grateful for as we start to work our way towards the future.
So, let’s celebrate! While still taking appropriate precautions, it is wonderful to be able to go out again, eat in restaurants and shop inside stores. A feeling of lightness is everywhere these days, with people really appreciating the ability to get back to some semblance of normal.
I see people smiling and laughing again while they are out and about, doing their daily errands, meeting friends, and attending functions and events. It seems even strangers are friendlier and more open to positive conversation and a more optimistic outlook nowadays. What a welcome change!
It is particularly satisfying to focus on and reconnect in person with the people who are important in our lives and make us feel happy. This year Mother’s Day was especially meaningful for many of us. It is always a beautiful opportunity to showcase the love for our mothers, both those who are still with us in this life, as well as those in spirit.
However, spirit impresses on me that honoring our mothers should happen more consistently than just one day per year. Each May, many of us resolve to show our love and respect all year through. So, how are we doing so far? Are we still honoring our mothers long after her special day is over?
A quick call, some surprise flowers, a little gift for ‘no reason’ are all lovely gestures that don’t take a lot of time or money, but can mean the world to mom, or stepmom, grandma or other maternal role-models who have touched our lives.
If we celebrate life with all its contradictions, embrace, experience, and ultimately live with it, a chance exists for a spiritual life filled not only with pain and untidiness, but also with joy, community, and creativity ~ Derrick Jensen
Spirit also urges we must resolve to step forward and take care of other people who need our love and support, even if they are not relatives or close friends. While we return to an easier, happier way of life, we must not forget those most in need and those who are in mourning the loss of loved ones.
Most of all, we must also reserve some time and energy to be kind to ourselves, regardless of current circumstances that might be impacting our life negatively. The thing to remember is that bad times never last.
Regardless of current challenges and its debilitating impact on our circumstances right now, we can turn things around with the right attitude, strong visualization, focused energy, some extra effort and perhaps a little moral support and encouragement from loving family and friends.
Once we know what we want to accomplish, we can picture the end result and take the necessary little steps to move forward. We can generate increased momentum to grow with each small success, until we are well on our way to feeling both in control and on purpose.
You can choose to focus on the surprises and pleasures, or the frustrations. And you can choose to appreciate the smallest scraps of experience, the everyday moments, or to value only the grandest, most stirring ones. Ultimately, the real question is whether you want to be happy ~ Chris Hadfield
At some point, even if nothing appears to have changed on the outside yet, we can start to feel the increased energy of a burgeoning accomplishment just around the corner. As we get even closer to success, the pace can seem to speed up until at last things start to ‘gel’ and we see the manifestation of our goals come to fruition.
Sometimes, it takes a while, but with patience and perseverance, success is on the horizon. Get started today. You’ve got this. Let’s celebrate life.
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