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sagittarius sun

Astrology Forecast November 20 – 26, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe highlight of this week will be the Sun’s entry into Sagittarius on Wednesday, moving us out of the sultry vibes of Scorpio and into a more light-hearted and fun atmosphere for the next four weeks. Sagittarius is also the sign of justice, fairness, and the law of the land, so moving with honor and intention will be emphasized.

However, we’ll be leaning toward a more spiritual, ethereal stance today and tomorrow as the Moon moves through Pisces. Go with the flow and trust your intuition when making important decisions during this time.

This morning’s Pisces Moon conjunction with Saturn may cause us to feel a little melancholy or even depressed. Guard against unwarranted feelings of dissatisfaction or loneliness, and try not to be stubborn or unnecessarily difficult, as this will only set the tone for a much more challenging week than would otherwise be the case.

Tomorrow afternoon a Pisces Moon square to Mercury in Sagittarius could cause some problems with communication and travel. Double-check your route before you hit the road and make sure you are sending that text or email to the right person! Some of us may also experience brain fog, lack of focus and negative thoughts.

The pace will pick up on Wednesday and we will fly through our commitments with ease until Friday under an assertive Aries Moon.

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