leo moon
Astrology Forecast October 30 – November 5, 2023
Things will be humming along this week, but don’t expect to get much done.
The Moon is in Gemini for the first three days of the week, inspiring social interactions and brainstorming sessions. The Taurus Moon trine to Pluto in Capricorn this morning will make matters worse by awakening our emotions and evoking the desire for new adventures or planning holidays to exotic destinations.
So, until the middle of the week there may be a lot of idle talk and daydreaming, but very little action. But all is not lost. Some of the ideas and plans we share with others contain seeds of truth that will surely grow into real manifestations!
We may be tempted to just stay in bed on Thursday and Friday as the Cancer Moon combines with the Scorpio Sun to call us inward. We may tend to be in a deep, philosophical mood or experience a sudden spiritual growth spurt. Temporarily becoming a couch potato, however, is a necessary pause to integrate all that has happened over the past few weeks.
Over the weekend things will start to pick up again as the Moon dances into Leo while Saturn goes direct after four months in retrograde. The mental fog of the week will begin to lift, making this a great time to set our goals and intentions for the rest of the year.
Astrology Forecast October 2 – 8, 2023
Astrologically, this is a good week to pause, reflect and assess where your life may be out of balance or how you can rekindle your optimism and refocus your goals for the future.
Today’s Taurus Moon should make this the most productive day of the week, inspiring us to catch up on projects or commitments that may have fallen by the wayside in September. However, we may not be able to benefit from this inspiring energy due to a Mercury in Virgo opposition to Neptune in Pisces combined with a Taurus Moon conjunction with Uranus around midday.
Make an effort to stay focused and motivated as we tend to be impractical, lack inner balance and may be prone to daydreaming during these transits. Stay centred and use your imagination to be constructive and inventive.
You should regain mental clarity and sound judgement by the time the Taurus Moon trines Mercury in Virgo this evening.
Relationships take centre stage under the Gemini Moon tomorrow and Wednesday, punctuated by Mercury’s move into Libra for a three-week visit. Communication will flourish and new ideas and plans are sure to come to life. Relationships can also be recalibrated under this aspect, and if you are single and looking, this is the perfect time to cement a new partnership or seek a new connection of the heart.
Thursday morning will be a good time for business meetings, sales presentations or budget negotiations as the Cancer Moon trines Saturn in Pisces. However, a Cancer Moon square to Mercury in Libra may cause some delays in communication and travel, so take precautions in advance. Charge your phone and check the signal, set up equipment at the meeting venue in advance, test video conferencing technology, plan your route if you need to travel and leave earlier than usual.
The weekend will be wonderful for quality ‘me time’ at home. Redecorate your home, try out that new bread recipe, or just catch up on the latest season of your favorite TV show. The Moon enters Leo on Sunday, while Venus moves into disciplined Virgo, providing a great opportunity to reorganize your closet or clean out the garage.
Astrology Forecast September 11 – 17, 2023
There’s lots of positive cosmic energy this week, starting with a bold Leo Moon today and tomorrow that will have us feeling confident, generous and self-expressive. We will also be more likely to seek pleasure and enjoyment in our personal life, instead of focusing on work and everyday responsibilities. This morning the Leo Moon sextile Mars in Libra will fortunately inspire positive social interaction at work, so make the most of this aspect to network and build rapport with coworkers.
We can get more work done on Wednesday under the Virgo Moon, which casts some extra energy our way to get paperwork and detailed projects cleared away once and for all. And once we do, the Virgo New Moon on Thursday will pave the way to inspired new projects or goals we are ready to pursue.
Mercury will resume forward motion on Friday, ending its three week retrograde cycle and those annoying communication and electronic anomalies it’s so notorious for! It could however take a week or two before its effects clear completely, but we’ll notice right away things taking a more positive direction.
The Moon cruises through Libra Friday through Sunday, promising a weekend full of joy, relaxation, and heartfelt interactions with all those around us. Saturday night’s Libra Moon sextile Venus in Leo sets the scene for the perfect romantic date or a lovely evening at home with friends and family over a sumptuous home-cooked meal.
Astrology Forecast September 4 – 10, 2023
Jupiter goes retrograde today in Taurus where it will be the rest of the year. Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion and risk-taking. It also rules higher truth, law, philosophy, and spiritual wisdom.
When Jupiter goes retrograde, these influences are turned inward and we may find ourselves reflecting more on our personal and spiritual growth, and where we may lack the courage and determination to make necessary changes in our lives.
In Taurus, Jupiter’s retrograde energy will steer our self-reflection over the next few months towards new opportunities for growth and future possibilities for expansion; recognizing where we may have been lazy in our past efforts; the need to improve our financial situation by saving and investing for the future; evaluating where our lives may currently lack security and stability; and revising our goals and plans to include more effort and risk-taking in the future.
A Taurus Moon today and tomorrow makes these first two days the most productive of the week. Once the Moon moves into Gemini on Wednesday, social interaction will take center stage as we enjoy being around people and making new friends.
Our attention will shift to learning new things and sharing our thoughts and ideas with others. This is also a great time to network and build business relationships. But try not to be restless and stay focused to make the most of this transit.
Things will ease up on Friday and Saturday under a nurturing Cancer Moon that turns our attention to the comforts of home and family. If you are empathic or highly sensitive, you may feel a strong desire to care for others over the weekend. It is good to be kind and nurturing, but be careful not to do so at the expense of your own self-care. In order to truly be there for others, we must also care for ourselves.
Fortunately, there will be a great opportunity for some quality ‘me time’ on Sunday, when the Moon moves into Leo, giving you a chance to nurture yourself and indulge in your favorite battery recharging activities.
Astrology Forecast August 14 – 20, 2023
The week begins with a confident Leo Moon this morning that will boost our self-esteem, assertiveness, and creative expression. It will culminate in a Leo New Moon on Wednesday morning, causing our emotions to dominate in a positive, uplifting way the first three days of the week and ensuring that our interactions with others will be kind and harmonious.
However, the gentle, sentimental mood of tomorrow night’s Leo Moon conjunction with Venus could later turn into an irritable mood, irresponsible actions, or hypersensitivity under the Leo Sun square with Uranus in Taurus tomorrow night. What may start out as a lovely romantic evening with someone special could morph into an impulsive, emotional whirlwind, so try to avoid spiraling into unnecessary emotional drama.
The best time to get anything of a detailed or organized nature done this week is Thursday and Friday, when the Moon moves through intellectual Virgo. Whether you’re clearing out clutter at home, creating a new organizational system at work, restructuring your finances, or dealing with personal health issues, the Virgo Moon will ensure a more successful effort. A Virgo Moon conjunction with Mercury also ensures that Friday will be a great day for business success and sound judgment in professional matters.
The weekend is all about balance, as a Libra Moon reminds us to look closely at any areas of our lives that have become unbalanced or out of order. Relationships are also highlighted this weekend, inviting us to spend more time with our loved ones and give thanks for the special people in our lives. The Libra Moon sextile Venus in Leo makes Sunday the perfect opportunity for a romantic outing with your partner, or a blind date with a new love interest.
Astrology Forecast July 17 – 23, 2023
The week begins with a gentle Cancer New Moon today, which will instill us with the desire to nurture ourselves and others. Under a Cancer New Moon our emotions take center stage and our sense of compassion, kindness and tolerance becomes elevated. This evening’s Cancer Moon trine with Neptune in Pisces will add to our heightened empathy and understanding.
Make the most of these energies by reaching out to someone you care about, or step up to make the peace with someone you have been at odds with.
Tonight will also be a great time to catch up on your spiritual practice with some meditation, prayer for others, oracle card or rune reading, or journaling.
Our love-and-belonging mindset will escalate even further tomorrow and Wednesday, as the Moon glides through big-hearted Leo and inspires us to lean in and reconnect with those closest to us.
We’ll also have to do some productive work this week, of course, and the Virgo Moon will make Thursday and Friday’s the ideal days to take care of responsibilities and tasks we cannot postpone until next week.
The Sun enters Leo on Saturday, heralding a four-week cycle of self-love, generosity, and strength of heart. A few hours later, Venus will turn retrograde, kicking off a six-week cycle of romance and relationship energies that we’ll need to pay close attention to. This aspect can bring lovers back from the past (not necessarily for a reconnection) or create the opportunity to magically connect with your soulmate.
If you’re in a relationship that has run its course, this will become more apparent in the weeks ahead, and if you have been neglecting a valued relationship in your life, this will become equally apparent. Expect changes in your relationships over the next month and a half. Being more mindful with your partner, loved ones and friends will work in your favor during this time.
Astrology Forecast June 19 – 25, 2023
Energies will slow down this week as we move into the watery vibes of a Cancer Moon today and tomorrow, followed by the Sun’s entry into Cancer on Wednesday.
For the next four weeks, our focus will turn to home life, family, and comfort-seeking activities. Gardening, cooking, and restoring order to our homes and relationships are the hallmarks of Cancer energy.
Emotions and spiritual activities will also serve as a focus, reminding us to rebalance those aspects of our inner life that may have become scattered or disconnected.
Self-focus will be prevalent Wednesday and Thursday under the Leo Moon, as we pause to look at where we may have been giving too much, while not taking proper care of ourselves. Wednesday a Mercury in Gemini sextile with Mars in Leo will further boost our energy levels, communication skills and self-confidence. This is a good time to turn the focus back on our own needs for a few days and set some much-needed boundaries.
Thursday’s Leo Moon square with Uranus in Taurus may cause some trouble. We may feel irritable, moody and rebellious, act unnecessarily stubborn, and make rash decisions. Abrupt changes or challenges may arise unexpectedly, so focus on staying centered and grounded.
Once the Moon enters Virgo on Friday, we’ll have two days to concentrate on restoring physical order to our surroundings, clearing out clutter, making lists, and creating a blueprint for future plans and projects.
Sunday we can welcome the Moon’s entry into Libra on Sunday, where we can assimilate all the activities and insights of the past week to find our balance.