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Astrology Forecast March 27 – April 2, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe feel quite invincible as the week begins, sharing our thoughts and hopes with anyone who’ll listen under today’s Gemini Moon. With all the planetary activity we experienced last week, this week is a good time of reprieve to turn inward and ask for spiritual direction before we make our next move.

This morning’s Gemini Moon sextile with Jupiter in Aries is a golden opportunity for business prospects, making lucrative deals and boosting our finances. This winning business streak will be carried forward tomorrow by a Cancer Moon trine with Saturn in Pisces, which will be an ideal time for that sales pitch or strategic business meeting. So, seize the moment and make lots of money!

On Wednesday, the Cancer Moon sextile with Venus in Taurus will inspire love and romance. Treat that special person in your life to a romantic lunch in the park, or spontaneously go on that blind date your friends have been nagging you about. Be careful however not to let your social life distract too much from your work and other responsibilities.

With the Moon traveling through Leo Thursday through Saturday, we’ll be drawn to focus on ourselves. Increased self-care, commitment to healthier living, and restoring our energy balance of give and take are all essential strategies now, before we don our spiritual armor and set out to slay all those dragons standing in the way of our dreams.

The Virgo Moon holds reign on Sunday, inspiring us to clear a physical path to our goals, so addressing clutter, clearing out our cyber inboxes, and organizing our homes and schedules will be a theme.

Astrology Forecast March 20 – 26, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comExpect a busy week. This week will be a decisive, inspired, action-oriented time that will feel like the actual beginning of the New Year for many of us. If you have been procrastinating with your goals for 2023, or been putting off making important life decisions, this week’s planetary energies are bound to change that!

The hustle and bustle begins with today being very special date for astrologers and metaphysicians everywhere, as we are celebrating International Astrology Day! This special holiday is observed every year on the day of the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere (Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere). No matter where you are in the world, the length of day and night is equal today. The Spring Equinox also marks the beginning of a new astrological year, because the Sun moves into Aries today to mark the beginning of the Tropical Zodiac year.

The Aries Sun will revive us on many levels this week, as we cast off the pessimism, overthinking, indecision, and sometimes lazy vibes of Pisces, to enter a cycle of fiery creativity, passion, inspiration, and assertive action. The next four weeks can prove very fruitful and exciting for those who confidently embrace the energies of the new zodac year. Aries is high energy, upfront, and fast-paced, so make the most of this energy to propel yourself into new adventures.

To add to the excitement, tomorrow’s Aries New Moon will add further fuel to the fire to inspire fresh starts, clean slates, and new beginnings. This New Moon is the perfect time to set intentions for the rest of the year.

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Astrology Forecast March 13 – 19, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThis week’s cosmic energies are likely to intensify our workload and stress levels, and we will probably be running on all cylinders until the weekend. So, staying focused and keeping our noses to the grindstone will be the most sensible way forward.

The Sagittarius Moon will at least help to keep us balanced as we sort through the piles of obligations awaiting us today and tomorrow, and a Capricorn Moon will supplement the productive energy we need to get through Wednesday and Thursday.

The Sagittarius Half Moon could cause major family disagreement and drama tomorrow night. This will be even more so due to its square with Neptune in Pisces, which can cause us to be hypersensitive and out of touch with reality, as well as its opposition with Mars in Gemini, which tends to make us hasty, hostile, and even aggressive. Things could indeed get really nasty. So, make a conscious effort to think twice before you overreact, and avoid conflict at all cost. It fact, it may be wise to go to bed early tomorrow night!

Venus will return to domal dignity when it enters Taurus on Wednesday, helping us reorder our priorities before moving forward.

There’ll be a lot of brainstorming and information to sort through under Friday’s Aquarius Moon, so share your ideas and do some thourough research.

Mercury will move into Aries on Saturday, sparking creative and innovative ideas for us to consider, but since it’s the weekend do not neglect your work-life balance. Instead fo working, the main activity should be socializing, catching up with friends, and updating your social media feeds and digital devices to make them more current.

Then, take a breather on Sunday as the Moon drifts through Pisces and allows us to step back from all the demands that have cluttered our week.

Astrology Forecast March 6 – 12, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe’ll have two important astrological events occurring tomorrow. The Moon waxes full in Virgo and Saturn moves into Pisces.

Full moons call for release, and being in the sign of Virgo, tomorrow’s Full Moon is preparing us to leave the winter season behind (summer in the southern hemisphere) and begin to set our sights on the new season ahead. Also, a Virgo Full Moon tends to make us moody, confused, irritable and even argumentative, so focus on keeping calm.

Saturn changes signs approximately every two years, so the last time it transitioned was in 2020, around the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, when it entered Aquarius for the past two years. During this period we witnessed sudden changes, unsual restrictions, and profound inventiveness, all hallmarks of this sign. As Saturn now ventures into Pisces for another two-year stay, we are likely to see the spiritual purpose and reasons for the global pandemic and increasingly align ourselves with the changes it brought about. This will also herald the start of a new cycle of growth and understanding.

Our most productive days of the week will be today and tomorrow under the Virgo Moon, while we’ll focus on balance Wednesday through Friday as the Moon travels through Libra.

Friday evening is not recommended as a date night, as the Libra Moon square with Pluto in Capricorn may cause us to be emotionally volatile and even aggressive. It may be best to spend a quiet evening at home. Also, avoid discussing finances with your significant other, as an argument is very likely to ensue. Foretunately, we can expect a quiet and mellow weekend under a free-flowing Scorpio Moon.

Astrology Forecast February 27 – March 5, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToday and tomorrow is a great time for important conversations and implementing dynamic ideas as the Moon speeds through Gemini, accelerating our intellect and negotiation skills. Brainstorming and working with a team will ensure the most productive outcomes. It is also an opportune time to get things off your chest, or share your feelings more openly to create better understanding in your work and personal relationships.

However, keep your attitude and temper in check tonight, as the Gemini Moon’s conjunction with Mars may cause us to be impatient, irritable, and even aggressive. Also, refrain from arrogant rhetoric, boasting about yourself, and participating in gossip, as this lunar aspect can tempt even the most sweet-tempered ‘pollyanna’ into acting like a high school ‘mean girl.’

Once the Moon moves into Cancer on Wednesday, followed by Mercury’s shift into Pisces on Thursday, things will seem to stall and could get a bit blurry. Mercury doesn’t sit very well in water signs and when it is in Pisces we tend to feel torn between heart and mind, so practice extra caution with your words and actions.

Thursday’s evening Cancer Moon trine with Neptune in Pisces offers a lovely opportunity for artistic expression and spiritual practice. It will be a wonderful time for creating art, composing music, meditation, journaling, or reading tarot cards.

The remainder of the week will glow more brightly under the Leo Moon, and though we may not get much done, we’ll celebrate the wonder of our lives on a deeper soul level.

Astrology Forecast February 20 – 26, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe week starts with a Pisces New Moon and Venus moving into Aries today.

New Moons herald a time of new beginnings, and in Pisces the focus ison spiritual advancement, and expanded views of the physical world and metaphysical realms as they relate to each other.

Venus loves to show off in Aries, so get ready to express yourself! And be prepared for others to act with more drama and flair than usual.

Tomorrow afternoon’s Pisces Moon conjunction with Neptune in Pisces can cause us to be nervous and hypersensitive. Some grounding and centering energy work is advised. On the upside the dreamy, poetic energies of this aspect is also ideal for journaling and artistic self-expression, so if you have been lacking inspiration lately this mid-day transit may be just the muse you have been waiting for.

Wednesday the Moon dashes into Aries, which will get us up and running! Creative ideas abound under this Moon, as well as accelerated energy to help us move through the mid-week with determination and ambition.

Friday and Saturday are all about the material world as the Moon cruises through Taurus. Making a real dent in home projects or implementing new self-care practices will be a theme for many of us.

Reserve Sunday for social media activities, as the Gemini Moon inspires more time online. Updating your news feed, doing zoom calls, and good old-fashioned in-person gabfests are likely to be on the agenda.

Astrology Forecast February 13 – 19, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe imaginative, dreamy idealism of a Scorpio Moon trine with Neptune in Pisces this morning is a great opportunity to boost your usual spiritual practice. Make use of this inspirational moment to meditate on your goals and set new intentions. It is also a great time to pray, do meaningful crystal energy work, or consult your favorite oracle card deck.

However, do take care today, as the Scorpio Moon might also be casting illusions and misunderstandings our way. Be mindful of what you read and hear, but also take everything with a grain of salt. Do your research before reacting or moving in any direction. Stay calm and act sensibly, as the Scorpio Half Moon has the power to plunge us into drama at work, public disagreements, and conflict with our loved ones.

A lighter vibe prevails tomorrow and Wednesday under the Sagittarius Moon, casting a productive, yet balanced energy.

If you have any heavy lifting to do this week, or projects that urgently need to be completed, then Thursday and Friday are the best days to accomplish those tasks, as the Capricorn Moon exudes diligence and drive.

The Sun moves into Pisces on Saturday, so we will be spending the next four weeks in a more spiritual, mystical state of mind. Exploring our inner lives more deeply and investigating the metaphysical will be more prevalent. Also, as the final sign of the zodiac before a new cycle begins, this will be the time to wrap things up, review the past year from a spiritual perspective, and resolve long-standing issues in the area of health, wealth, and relationships. This is also a time when secrets may come out, so if you’re hiding any, be extra careful, or they might end up on the evening news!

The weekend’s socially-oriented Aquarius Moon promotes, unity, friendship, and catching up with loved ones.

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