Daily Archives: December 18, 2024
Astral Encounters With The People You Love
When I do love and relationship readings, I can usually get a clear sense if someone my client feels deeply connected to has also been thinking about them. However, this “thinking” doesn’t always happen during waking hours! Sometimes their love interest “dials in” to connect with them in the dream state through astral communication.
When we sleep, our physical body and mind are at rest, allowing our soul to connect with the spirit realm. During the dream state, our soul temporarily leaves our physical body and travels to the astral plane.
The astral plane is a metaphysical dimension or plane of existence that transcends physical reality, where souls, spirit entities, and the divine can interact in a heightened state of consciousness. Here we can also meet and communicate with other souls, both living and deceased.
Dreaming allows us to transcend physical limitations to access spiritual guidance, clarity, comfort, healing, and even prophetic glimpses of the future. But our dreams not only allow us to connect with spirit, they also have immense power to create and deepen everyday connections with other people who are still alive. This includes friends, family, colleagues, and especially romantic partners.
While many people have had at least one vivid dream involving a deceased loved one, spirit being, or divine presence, very few realize that the astral plane is also a meeting place for love and romance. If daily life somehow prevents us from connecting with that special someone, our soul can still meet with them in the astral realm, while we sleep. Continue reading →
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