Monthly Archives: April 2016
Recovery From Psychic Attack
If you’ve been feeling depressed, in pain, or just out of sorts without quite knowing why, it may be that you’ve been on the receiving end of a psychic attack. Someone may be deliberately intending harm by sending negative energies at you, through fear, anger, or jealousy, or else it may take the form of an inadvertent ‘side-swipe.’ This may even come from people you care about! Whatever the case is, psychic attack is just as real and harmful as an actual physical assault. Most of us have been a victim at some point in our lives. Continue reading
Creating Your Reality – Survivor, Sinner Or Saint?
To create, attract and manifest is an innate metaphysical ability we all have access to as beings of Divine origin. Jane Roberts writes in The Nature of Personal Reality, “You are given the gifts of the gods; you create your reality according to your beliefs. Yours is the creative energy that makes your world. There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.”
To be a creator is a function of our free will. We are all co-creators of our shared, physical reality and we shape our own destiny in every single moment of our lives. What you think, feel, believe, wish for, and desire in this very moment, is what you will become tomorrow, and the day after. Continue reading