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A New Breed Of Lightworker

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat an extraordinary time in history this present day is! We have the entire world sitting up and taking notice of the many strange, disturbing events that are unfolding before our very eyes. One cannot berate anyone who is currently experiencing extreme stress and anxiety, with all that is happening around us. Instead we must offer our compassion and understanding.

However, there is also an inspirational side to these highly provocative circumstances. We have in our own homes, neighborhood and communities those blessed by the Divine. They are the everyday caretakers who are making these events a part of their own soul’s journey.

They are a new breed of lightworkers, seizing it as a unique opportunity to reach out to others, with little fanfare, and no trepidation or significant thought given to how they could possibly be jeopardizing themselves, or those close to them.

This is a time when exceptional people are stepping outside their own small nucleus of existence, and braving their own fears, in order to serve a higher purpose. How can such a complete selfless act go unappreciated and unrewarded? Maybe the answer is not so simple.

Lightworkers on this plane come in all shapes and sizes. We do not easily recognize them. They do not carry a sign attached to them saying, “Hey, look at me. I am a lightworker.” These are souls who come from every walk of life. And these days some of them are paramedics, doctors, nurses and caregivers.

We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won’t need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don’t fire cannons to call attention to their shining- they just shine ~ Dwight L. Moody

They are humble heroes on the frontline who ‘carry no cross,’ but only aim to fulfill their soul purpose. They simply do what feels right on the inside of their spirit. They are so connected to their own higher power, that they probably would deny that they are completely special. Perhaps they will  also not be rewarded or given their accolades in this existence, but we do know, whether in this lifetime or the next, they will be looked upon with honor and reverence.

The best part of this arduous time is that a number of formerly unconscious souls are now also waking up to their own bliss and are trying to share that light with others.

Of course this frightening time will pass in due course. But what will we take away from this momentous event? Will we recall the fear, anxiety and chaos, or will it be more promising with all the beautiful thoughts from those who cared so much and worked with such diligence and concern for their fellow man?

Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light ~ Albert Schweitzer

Already we see from one community to the next the local citizens making it a point at a particular time each day to loudly and clearly express their profound thanks to those who are working so hard on the behalf of others.

I personally am basking in the glorious light of those who live and operate in the brilliance of their souls. They have been called to their own brand of spiritual duty and are now answering that call. Thank you to all that have come forth and recognized your light, empathy and supreme kindness. You will be somehow rewarded in your own way.

About The Author: Kitty

Kitty is a Canadian Intuitive, born into a large family of clairvoyants and clairaudients. A local celebrity, she's been giving accurate predictions in her paper for over fifteen years now, and is often called upon to lead séances and provide readings at Psychic Fairs in Vancouver. A trained counselor, she combines her natural Gifts to detect blockages at their root, and provide detailed psychic information and practical advice for success and happiness. She's helped locate missing items and people, has communicated messages from loved ones who've passed on, and communicates with two Sacred Celestial Beings who are unerring in the startling information they provide. If you'd like to connect with this remarkable Intuitive, whose talent spans generations, you can find Kitty at

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