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Daily Archives: August 25, 2024

The Miracle Gift Of A Reincarnated Pet

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDo animals reincarnate? As an animal lover and pet owner, I believe they do!

John Edward, the famous psychic medium, once told how his dog came to him in a dream after he died. Apparently, the dog told him that he would be the new dog “with the black spot.”

Soon after, he went to a friend’s house who had a litter of puppies. He really bonded with one of the puppies – it followed him everywhere. However, none of the puppies had a black spot? Edward’s wife took pictures of him with the puppy because she also felt the connection. They left without taking any of the puppies.

When the film was developed, there was a black spot on one of the photos! The black spot appeared in the picture over the puppy he had such a special connection with. Edward immediately went back and got his beloved “new” dog.

My friend’s dog, Inky, was all white with an unusual dark spot on his back. He also had a strong personality and would follow her on her daily walk to work until she turned and said, “Inky, go home.” When he passed away at a young age, my friend was devastated. I remember her saying that she lay on the floor for days, crying, curled up in a fetal position.

A few months later, she walked by a pet store. There was a bunny in the store that looked exactly like Inky. It was all white, with the same distinctive ink pattern on its back. My friend adopted the rabbit, who also turned out to have the same personality as Inky. He would follow her on her way to work until she said, “Bunny, go home.” Continue reading

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