Jupiter, Pluto And The Judgment Of Solomon
One of my favorite astrologers, Christopher Renstrom, is an uber-wise storyteller who has a knack for bringing profound astrological messages to life. He recently spoke about the separating Jupiter-Pluto energies, likening both Jupiter and Pluto to judges: Jupiter symbolizing Zeus, the benevolent King of Mount Olympus, and Pluto to Hades, his brother, the King of the Underworld.
In many ways these energies are opposite to one another, one reigning in the light (Jupiter), the other in the dark at night, beneath the surface of things (Pluto). Yet, both kings preside in judgment over matters brought to their attention.
Christopher went on to relay the story of The Judgement of Solomon from the Hebrew Bible, in which Solomon rules between two women both claiming to be the mother of a particular child. The explained that this story beautifully exemplifies Jupiter and Pluto in their role as judges over life and death.
In the story, two women had given birth, but tragically one of the babies did not survive when the mother accidentally rolled over on the child in her sleep. In the morning, she secretly switched the two babies, giving the deceased newborn to the other mother. This mother awoke and found the lifeless child, but knew this wasn’t her baby. She knew the living child belonged to her instead, but the other mother denied this and wouldn’t give up the living child.
The case went before King Solomon, who agreed to listen to anyone’s complaint, no matter what walk of life they came from. And so, each mother, in-turn, argued her side, with no corroborating witnesses to back them up.
Solomon listened intently, then asked for a sword. He then ordered the living child be cut in two, with one half handed to each of the mothers as a fair resolution of the dispute. But the true mother of the living baby implored the king not to kill the innocent child, but instead willingly relinquished the baby to the other mother. The illegitimate mother, however, demanded the child be killed so no one would have it, dispensing her own morbid sense of justice.
When we practice loving-kindness toward ourselves, a miracle happens: We stop being so judgmental of ourselves, and, in turn, we’re also less judgmental of others ~ Troy L Love
Solomon had heard enough and awarded the baby to the first mother, proclaiming that only she could be the rightful mother of that child, preferring to give it up in order to save its life.
Currently Jupiter and Pluto are in friendly sextile, presenting the energetic opportunity to ‘sit in judgment,’ as judgment is a function of both these planets. With this current sextile, there is thus an opportunity for great transformation, healing and forgiveness.
This past weekend, I attended the 90th birthday party for my mother-in-law and witnessed good judgment in action. One of my relatives, a young mother attending the party, had been through much trauma in her life. She is essentially a ‘black sheep’ who had been shunned by her cousins for several years now. During the gathering, she approached one of these cousins with a very good-hearted Jupiter-style approach, and asked for forgiveness. She confessed to them that she misses having them in her life. Like a compassionate Solomon the cousin hugged her and very simply replied: “Let’s fix that.”
There’s much that needs fixing and healing at the moment during this turbulent time in the world. and we can all have Solomon’s great wisdom with Jupiter and Pluto currently touching our lives.
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