The Joy Of Being Your Authentic Self
Many people feel forever discontented, because they are constantly trying to find ‘happiness.’ However, like love, there is no real limitation to the experience of joy and fulfillment in our lives.
Joy is not something that we find outside of ourselves, but rather the unconditional expression of our authentic self. It cannot really be found through chasing ‘happiness.’ Joy comes when we are free from fear, worry, resentment, blame, guilt, criticism, and judgment – whether it is the practice of these things, or the fear of them.
True joy comes from just being yourself, which requires that you learn to accept yourself as you are, with all your unique quirks. Without this authentic expression of the self, we will always feel incomplete.
The Univeral Law of Attraction states that we attract our life experiences based on our state of consciousness and our energy frequency. Joy is a state of consciousness that is limitless, because your authenticity is unending and expansive. In other words, being joyful brings about more joy!
The trouble with chasing happiness is that it becomes a frustrating ‘wild goose chase.’ We try and manipulate circumstances, or we rely on chance, or other people, to bring us fulfillment. Neither works. Have you ever tried to change another person? How did that go?
There are two caveats to this. First, true joy does not mean that you are happy all the time. Yes, you experience happiness more often, because you are aware that whatever negative feeling you may be having is only temporary.
Some people try and feign happiness thinking that these universal spiritual laws can be tricked. There is no twisting of spiritual truth. There is no amount of ‘happy thoughts’ or positive thinking that can shift one’s inner reality. Only true authenticity brings joy.
Everything will line up perfectly when knowing and living the truth becomes more important than looking good ~ Alan Cohen
True joy allows us to feel the whole spectrum of human experience, and be ourselves in the context of each and every one of them. Joy will always lead you toward meaningful emotional experiences, because you are not resisting reality. You came to this planet to be yourself. It’s the only way to truly vibe with joy.
The second caveat is relational in nature. Joy does not mean that everyone is going to like you. In fact, there might be people in your life right now who are displeased, or even repelled, by you being yourself.
Therefore, true joy is also about not caring what other people might think about you. You being you will allow you to manifest relationships that are consistent with your true self. The people that do not approve are most likely not your people anyway, and you can only find your people by being yourself.
Joy is the ‘out-picturing’ of love, so it is the force that creates the most authentic bonds with others. Joy is the sense of freedom that you are unique, you are the only you that has ever been, and that will ever be. You came here to discover what that means, and then express it to the world.
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