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Delivering Messages From The Afterlife

Click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIs it true that the dearly departed can communicate with us through signs? Can you please give me a message of proof that my much loved friends, family or pets on the other side are okay?

These are some of the questions that psychic mediums receive when a caller longs for proof that the soul journey of their loved ones continues on the other side of the veil. From time to time callers also ask me if I believe in an afterlife. Well, I don’t just believe it exists – I know it does! My strong ‘knowing’ is due to my personal experiences, as well as my professional experiences delivering messages from spirit to others.

My husband is known to have quite the opposite viewpoint. He says, ”When you’re dead, you’re dead.’ I have wondered if he maybe states this as some kind of a self-protection device? Because he has also had his share of ‘other-worldly’ experiences, including a couple of eerie visitations from spirit.

In sorrow we must go, but not in despair. Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory ~ J.R.R. Tolkien

In my own spiritual development and learning, I have come to believe that it takes an incredible amount of energy for a loved one to bring us certain ‘signs.’ For example, we may see their names in several places, as if they are trying to boldly get our attention. They may even make their presence known by a familiar scent. Electricity fluctuations, as well as TV’s and radio’s switching off and on are also a common occurrence. Many individuals are reminded of their departed loved ones when a familiar, meaningful song comes on the car radio and they hear the same tune playing repeatedly elsewhere.

In my own experience of bringing messages through from spirit, they tend to range from crystal clear to fuzzy. Souls on the other side have differing degrees of energy too, so their ability to bring through their message can also depend upon their own experience – even when coming through an experienced channel or medium.

I was also taught that as much as a medium may be truly gifted, should their ego not be in check, the medium can tend to interpret things in a way which can be ‘overly sensational,’ or that can bring negativity to the session. What comes through from spirit should not be ‘interpreted’ as such by the medium, but delivered precisely as given. Even in the case of a medium being shown a symbol by spirit. The symbol itself can have a lot of meaning for the client, without the medium’s view of the symbol being shown.

Some clients feel afraid that they might be tricked, and that their sadness and desperation be used by an opportunist to fabricate messages from beyond. This is why a message needs to resonate for the receiver – your own intuition is a good gauge of its authenticity.

In one sense there is no death. The life of a soul on earth lasts beyond departure. You will always feel that life touching yours, that voice speaking to you. He/She lives on in your life and in the lives of all others that knew him/her ~ Angelo Patri

As psychic professionals, our personal interest must never be laid onto the message. I was taught that the more we can embrace unconditional love and release our own negativity as readers, the clearer our feeling and hearing from the spirit world will be.

Even we, ourselves as psychics can be open to trickery by earthbound discarnates who masquerade as ‘loved ones.’ They think they can have a little fun with us. I once experienced a scary case when I was conducting my psychic circle. We had closed our session and over coffee, decided we had more questions. We went straight back into a session without doing the proper psychic protection. Suddenly, the most repulsive and cruel information was coming through! We quickly closed the session.

I later found out that one of the women whom I shared the session with, had been quite involved with the darker side of spirit work some 20 years prior. If I had known beforehand, I would never had agreed to the session with her, and I have since certainly become very discerning of anyone else I invited to my psychic circle.

It is my intention that any messages brought through from spirit should bring about healing on the emotional, spiritual, physical and mental level. Only then do I feel a sense of a ‘mission is accomplished’ – both for the sender from the other side and for the receiver on this side of the veil.

About The Author: Shani

Shani is a qualified practitioner in Reiki, aromatherapy, reflexology, body spin, and animal telepathy who received psychic development training at the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Research in England. A published writer, her articles and predictions have appeared in several respected magazines and on psychic websites, and she has read for many celebrities and even heads of state in Africa. Because of her empathy, people find it easy to connect with her. Every month, she attends a psychic circle and the information that comes through from Spirit never ceases to amaze everyone present. Though she was born in London, Shani has traveled the globe and has studied the art of African Mysticism, bringing her unique flavor to those seeking her incredible talents. What she has taken away from her many travels abroad, is that there is always a sort of longing clients have to be connected to the source of their being. Get a reading with Shani at

One Response to Delivering Messages From The Afterlife

  • Shani is quite remarkable. I know because I have been reading with her for years. She is truly amazing. She is kind, compassionate, sweet, endearing, an all around wonderful woman. If you have not read with her, you need to. I have to tell you she is 98% accurate. No psychic is 100%, but Shani comes extremely close!

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