gemini moon
Astrology Forecast October 25 – 31, 2021
Happy Samhain and Halloween! This final week of October culminating in the sacred Celtic holiday should run quite smoothly. A Gemini Moon today, followed by tomorrow and Wednesday’s Cancer Moon, will put us in the mood to embrace the spiritual tones of the season.
Two favorable aspects join forces today to inspire personal power and achievement in our lives. The Gemini Moon trine Mars in Libra will boost our willpower and resourcefulness to get some practical things done, while the Gemini Moon trine Jupiter in Aquarius will have us feeling positive, optimistic and popular.
We often present different facades and keep up appearance for the different people in our lives and this is a great time to examine why we do this and how well it is working for us. There will be an energy in the air this week to express ourselves more authentically or to show more of our true nature to the world, especially as the Moon travels through Leo on Thursday and Friday.
There’s a tendency to overthink things as the Moon moves through Virgo on Saturday and Sunday, so try to avoid those mental gymnastics and be sure to watch for critical thinking or high idealism, as these two mental activities can only get you into hot water this weekend!
Mars will move into Scorpio on Saturday, where it will spend the next two months shifting our actions and movements in subtle spiritual ways. Though our journey may not make sense or could change direction at a moment’s notice before the end of the year, we can trust that spirit is in charge now and directing the traffic.
Astrology Forecast September 27 – October 3, 2021
Today may be the beginning of a somewhat ‘bumpy ride’ for next three to four weeks. With Mercury going retrograde today we also may not get much done this week. If you find yourself stalled on a project, your best bet is to swicth and do something else for a while, until the energy shifts.
Mercury retrograde is associated with confusion, communication issues, delays, technology malfunctions, and lots of frustration. So, until late October we can expect undelivered emails, misunderstandings on social media, computer issues – and if you have travel plans make sure you have good insurance! The good news is that our intuition is increased during this time, so put it to good use. It is also an excellent time to reflect on the past and release what no longer serves us.
Today’s Gemini Moon could cause additional miscommunication under the retrograde influence, so document everything, pay attention, keep your opinions to yourself and stay out of the confusion that abounds today.
Tomorrow through Thursday we’ll glide along more easily under a Cancer Moon, but this could also give us the “I don’t want to” blues, as we won’t feel like doing much of anything.Don’t worry if you feel the urge to procrastinate, as you’ll be able to pick up the pace again on Friday when the Moon moves into energizing Leo.
Thursday morning’s Cancer Moon trine Venus in Scorpio will be a great opportunity to surprise your partner with a surprise gift or a romantic breakfast in bed. This trine is all about courtesy, cheerful moods, love, and harmony, without a very low risk of arguments and conflicts.
Save any paperwork or detailed activities for Sunday, as the Moon will move into Virgo and heighten our attention span and recall, making it easier to access the information or ideas we’re in search of.