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Visualizing Your Soul’s Path

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you are currently struggling with feelings of emptiness, loneliness, boredom or a lack of meaning and purpose in your life, it may be that you are not connected to your soul purpose.

We are so much more than just our careers, business pursuits, relationships, family, or home. We are spiritual beings in human form, each with a unique soul path and personal destiny.

To become more aware of our innate spiritual purpose we must pay attention to our inner voice and listen carefully to our heart’s desire. We must find what truly resonates with our soul.

A fun visualization exercise I recommend to anyone looking for clues to their true soul’s path is to imagine the ideal color of your home’s front door.

Imagine coming home on any average day. Were you driving home in a car that needs to be parked in the driveway? Or maybe you took the bus, or were  you walking or biking? Visualize the details your arrival.

Next, see yourself coming up your walkway or entrance facing the front door of your abode.  Now, instead of its current actual color, imagine the ideal new color for your door. What color do you see? The color your spontaneously imagined reflects the interest of your soul.

For example, if you imagine your door to be painted red it may indicate that you operate with a lot of passion and excitement. A light shade of blue may be reflective of freedom of expression, or you are a soul who thinks, feels, and  operates outside the box. A darker navy tone might indicate a more serious nature and a strong sense of commitment to the community. My preferred door color is a bright yellow, which is a sign of my interest in the intuitive and metaphysical realm.

If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there the whole while, waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living ~ Joseph Campbell

These are of course just some examples. Once you have identified your color, do some research about its known symbolism.

Next, note in your visualization if the path to your door is clean and open, or cluttered with dried leaves and debris? Are there children’s toys left out, or did you forget to put the gardening tools away? Is there an accumulation of snow, water puddles or other obstacles that hinders or blocks your entry?

These hazards may be indicative of both internal and external blockages that are keeping you from accessing and following your true soul path. Try to identify what they might be. Finding your soul’s path is only half of the equation , the next step is to keep your soul path clear, despite all the trials and tribulations that the world might cast our way.

The highest sense of personal accomplishment and spiritual achievement comes from the soul’s recognition of its true purpose, and the added value of honoring that endeavor, especially when it may not initially seem to reflect the personal success others have. The soul is an entity onto itself and fervently seeks its own fulfillment and reward.

About The Author: Kitty

Kitty is a Canadian Intuitive, born into a large family of clairvoyants and clairaudients. A local celebrity, she's been giving accurate predictions in her paper for over fifteen years now, and is often called upon to lead séances and provide readings at Psychic Fairs in Vancouver. A trained counselor, she combines her natural Gifts to detect blockages at their root, and provide detailed psychic information and practical advice for success and happiness. She's helped locate missing items and people, has communicated messages from loved ones who've passed on, and communicates with two Sacred Celestial Beings who are unerring in the startling information they provide. If you'd like to connect with this remarkable Intuitive, whose talent spans generations, you can find Kitty at

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