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The Phenomenon Of Spirit Apparitions

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever felt a presence in the room and then caught a glimpse of a recognisable shadow or a fleetingly familiar face, only to realise that they are no longer among the living?

You are not alone, and it is more common than you might think. It is known as a spirit apparition and most people prefer not to talk about it for obvious reasons.

Lately, I’ve noticed an increase in such experiences with my clients, perhaps due to the other side’s increased efforts these days to communicate with us. I’ve also found myself to be a prime example of this phenomenon.

Increasingly I am seeing familiar faces of deceased people I have known in my life, manifesting in the form of brief spirit apparitions. There is never any doubt as to who they are, as they always have the same appearance as when they lived their existence here.

What exactly are spirit apparitions? They are visual energy manifestations of people who have passed on, appearing to the living in various forms. The word ‘apparition’ simply means an ‘appearance,’ often of something surprising or unexpected. In the context of afterlife phenomena and the spirit realm, it refers to the manifestation of the spirit of a deceased person as a visible image or figure.

Just because you haven’t seen a ghost, does not mean a ghost has never seen you ~ Jamaica Inn, Cornwall

These apparitions can range from fleeting glimpses and shadowy figures to vivid, lifelike encounters. Sometimes it’s just a fleeting shadow or shape, recognisable or not. While many folks dismiss them as mere hallucinations or tricks of the mind, I can assure you that they are very real phenomena. Some of us just see them more often and more clearly than most people. Some clairvoyants, or “clear-seeing” psychics and mediums possess the ability to see spirit apparitions or communicate with spirits directly.

What causes these clairvoyant apparitions? They usually appear in visual form to deliver very important messages, provide much needed closure or give us urgent guidance for our highest good.

A common type of apparition is the visitation of loved ones who have passed on. Many people report seeing deceased family members or friends, often at times of emotional distress or significant life events. These encounters usually bring comfort, closure and reassurance that our loved ones are still with us in spirit.

Only twice have I had what might be called an extraordinarily vivid encounter, where the person appeared to me in full living color, as if they were still ‘flesh and bone.’ These encounters mark two of the most profound moments of my life.

The first was five years ago when my husband died. I later learned that he belonged to a group called the “Jedi”, which happens to coincide with my origins. On the evening of his death, he appeared to me in a full, life-like apparition, much like a hologram, to give me an important message before leaving this world to return to the spiritual home from which we both came.

The second happened recently in my garage while I was stacking firewood. I turned to see a stranger standing there, apparently just to say hello. He disappeared as quickly as he had appeared! Although I didn’t recognise him, I could describe him vividly and would recognise him if I saw him again. I also have a feeling that the truth about his ‘cameo appearance’ will be revealed to me in due course.

Apart from the fact that I probably have seen one, without prejudice or any definite convictions personally I do “believe in” ghosts ~ Tom Brown

Several of my clients, friends and colleagues have recently had similar experiences, sensing or encountering spirits. I encourage you to welcome these encounters. Perhaps ask the spirit their name and why they’ve come. There may be an important message they’re trying to convey and you may be surprised by what you discover.

However, it is also important to note that spirits are not always friendly or familiar. Some rare encounters may involve malevolent entities or restless spirits seeking resolution or recognition. These encounters can be unsettling and may cause people to question their sanity or spiritual beliefs.

If you encounter a spirit presence or apparition, stay calm and don’t be frightened. Trust your instincts and intuition. If the encounter feels positive or comforting, accept it as a message of love and connection from the other side. If it feels unsettling or frightening, seek support from loved ones, paranormal experts or spiritual advisors to help you navigate the experience. Either way, have no fear and have confidence in your own spiritual power.

About The Author: Psychic Access Team

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