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How To See Your Own Subtle Energy

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSubtle energy is the intangible basis of all things. It is the same energy that martial arts masters refer to as chi, which is responsible for ‘impossible’ feats like breaking through bricks with bare hands, or athletes jumping and twisting in the air in ways that seem to defy gravity.

It is all a result of this invisible energy that we all have access to. When we become aware of this energy, we become more aware of the true metaphysical powers that reside in each of us.

Consider plants. They are a complete energy system. Think of what they need to flourish: soil, nutrients, water, and sunlight. You then realize they are a complete ecosystem. One organism. And, the health of the parts affects the health of the whole. This is also true with humans and animals and earth itself.

By learning how to harness and control this energy we become more in tune with nature and our intuition becomes sharper and more clear. Then we can empower and heal ourselves, as well as others. The possibilities are endless.

How can we more fully tap into this energy? We must begin by learning to see it with our own eyes.  A simple way to perceive the material expression of this energy is increased awareness of beauty. People, animals, plants and ecosystems that have a high level of that energy appear particularly beautiful. Another practical technique that is very easy to do and it doesn’t take years of study and meditation to master involves your own energy field or aura.

You possess the ability to tap a bottomless well of physical and psychic energy. With it, you can harness the magical power of the universe. Yet most of us unknowingly block the flow of this power, and live out our lives not reaching the potential that we could achieve if we only knew how ~ L.V. Carnie

To perform this technique sit down comfortably in a well lit room. Now, touch your two index fingers together and then move them slowly about an inch apart. Look intently at the space between your fingers. Ensure the background area to be a dark color, such as a black curtain or a dark blue wall. While staring at the area between your fingers, unfocus your eyes just a little. Then move your fingers slightly closer together and then apart again. As you do this, you should begin to see something that looks like ‘strands of smoke’ or thin ‘trails of light’ between your fingers. That is it! This the your subtle energy or chi of your aura.

You can apply this same technique to the rest of your fingers. The palms of your hands, your forearms, and so on. Once you have this technique mastered, you can move on to other people, animals, planst and even objects. Practice makes perfect.

About The Author: Dawn Star

Dawn Star is a Master Tarot reader, relationship specialist, numerology and palm reading expert from Nebraska who rose to her full psychic potential after coming back from a near death experience. Powerful mentors on the other side gave her a crash course on her abilities, and then brought her back with a powerful mission to benefit mankind through her psychic talents. In her twenty year practice, she has solved murders, found missing children and watched traumatic events unfold, ahead of time. A seeker of Truth, Dawn Star's stunning Truths can be made available to you with a reading at

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