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December 2019 Weekly Astro Forecasts

click here for a free psychic reading a PsychicAccess.comDecember 2 – 8

Jupiter makes its grand entrance into Capricorn today – a sign that promises great change ahead for the next two years. Though the shifts may be subtle at first, Jupiter in Capricorn signals a return to stability, security, responsible action and justice for all. So with that in mind, important happenings could manifest during this cycle.

Monday’s Aquarius Moon could make for a scattered day, so agreeing to follow the whims of the Universe will keep you from feeling frustrated, or put-upon. Just trust that Spirit has a better plan, which may not make sense until later in the week.

Things calm down under Tuesday and Wednesday’s Pisces Moon, calling for us to go internal and focus more on spiritual matters and gratitude.

When do we get our energy and drive back? That would be Thursday when the Moon moves into inspiring Sagittarius and urges us back on track. There’s plenty to do before the holidays kick in, and you may actually find Sunday to be your most productive day on a personal level, as the Taurus Moon grounds and directs us forward.

December 9 – 15

The week starts off with Mercury moving into Sagittarius, finally leave the sign of Scorpio, where it’s been hanging out for the past nine weeks. This transit will add a light-hearted and holiday-spirited tone to our thoughts and communications.

We’ll need to finish up any lingering tasks under Monday’s Taurus Moon, as it could be the last day of the week we’ll be grounded enough to complete them.

The Moon dances into Gemini on Tuesday, and prepares to wax into a Full Moon by Wednesday. Because Gemini rules communication, we’ll do more talking and socializing than actual productive work, but the fun of the Gemini Full Moon is that it always has a way of connecting us with people on a deeper level.

Our focus will shift to home and hearth as we spend the weekend under a Cancer Moon, where family and security take precedence. Sunday’s Leo Moon will have all of us running around with that gift list in our hands, whether we decide to hit the mall or make cyber-shopping our main venue for getting those items crossed off our Christmas list!

December 16 – 22

The Sun moves into Capricorn on Saturday, marking the Winter Solstice (and Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere) and the start of a brand new season. Astrologically, both seasons represent the spiritual sides of the year, whether we’re being called to go within and hunker down during the cold of winter, or slow down and lay low in the heat of the summer. So, with that in mind, we can expect four weeks of internal movement, evaluation and patience as we nurture our souls, as well as our hopes and dreams for the future.

The other important astrological change we’ll encounter this week is Venus moving into Aquarius on Friday. Our love of the unusual, the innovative and the opportunity for change will come to the forefront, as the Planet of Love urges us to embrace unconditional love no matter what our unique differences are.

We’ll also power up and get ready for the holidays this week, backed by the Leo Moon on Monday and Virgo Moon on Tuesday and Wednesday. Things should start coming together at record pace. Striving for balance, and not overdoing the holiday preparations and spending, will be easier when the Moon moves into Libra Thursday and Friday.

The Sun’s entry into Capricorn on Saturday will set the stage for a shift of focus over the weekend, as the Pisces Moon encourages us to let go, step back and move into the holidays with open hearts and minds.

December 23 – 29

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! At last the holidays are upon us, backed over the first three days of the week by a lovely and joyful Sagittarius Moon. The more we focus on the true spirit of giving to others, the more we’ll receive, and we’ll find it easy to make this our mantra over this week.

Around the time many of us will be clearing away the wrappings and putting up the leftovers, on the 26th of December, we’ll have a Capricorn New Moon and Solar Eclipse, which heralds two weeks of fresh starts and a shift of focus for the next six months. How timely as we prepare to make those New Year’s resolutions and commit to changing for the better!

A few days later, on Saturday, Mercury will also enter the sign of Capricorn, turning our thoughts to security and progress, and adding yet another layer of determination to our commitments to creating a brighter and more prosperous future.

The weekend’s Aquarius Moon doubles the good feelings as family, friends and unifying with each other becomes a theme. Have a wonderful holiday break, stay safe, embrace the positive and get ready for the magic 2020 has in store!

December 30 – January 5

Happy New Year! As we move into 2020 with a fresh start and perspective, the idea that all things are possible will warm our hearts and center our minds. The Moon is travelling through Pisces the first three days of this week, adding a spiritual and easy-going tone, as we transition from one year into the next. This creates a time of easiness that allows us to regroup from the activities of last week, as well as rest up for what could prove to be an action-packed year ahead.

Backing this theme of preparing to shift gears will be Mars entering Sagittarius on Friday. Mars has been traveling through the watery sign of Scorpio for the last few months, making it difficult to put anything new into action, but as it changes signs, we’ll get the green light to start manifesting whatever we put our minds and hearts to. It also helps that the Moon will be moving through Aries and Taurus from Thursday to Sunday, both known as power and action signs.

Here’s wishing you an amazing 2020, where all your dreams have the potential to come true.

About The Author: Susyn

Susyn lives in New Mexico, and offers Psychic Guidance, Astrological Insights and Channeled Messages that will change your life! Her credentials are top-notch and include a doctorate in metaphysical studies and certifications from The American Association of Professional Psychics and The American Tarot Guild. She's also a published author, with two metaphysical books under her belt, and has authored numerous articles and horoscope columns. In addition to her readings, Susyn is also a mentoring practitioner who teaches others how to master their own gifts, raise their vibrations, and empower themselves. A sought after guest on numerous radio programs, she has also hosted her own radio show. If you're looking for one of the truly bright shining stars who can also read them with an accuracy that will astound, look no further. You can find Susyn at

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