Juicing To Boost Your Spiritual Vitality
I used to work at an organic food store that offered fresh juices on a daily basis. I would frequently add them into my daily diet, but it wasn’t really a lifestyle for me at first. Growing up, I was conditioned to believe that a meat-and-starch diet was healthy, but as I got older, I realized that it had the opposite effect, leaving me depleted and tired.
One day a co-worker of mine, who went on a juice and soup cleanse at the time, confirmed for me that it could take years off one’s appearance, minimize health problems and boost the spiritual body. She claimed it transformed her moodiness and the bags under her eyes… to a vibrant young woman with a glow on her face!
In time, she shifted her energy vibration and was able to begin healing others. She also noticed the change within herself and used it as a testimony to help others. From that point on, she started making and selling her own range of vegan food products and became a success within her community.
I learned from her that not only our physical health and body suffers from an unhealthy diet and poor nutrition, but that it also has adverse effects on our spiritual health and intuition. She inspired me to stop eating on-the-go, and to replace all the sugar and processed carbs in my diet with fruits, seeds, oils and veggies. It changed both my life and spirituality in a profound way!
Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food ~ Hippocrates
Changing how you eat can be a challenge, since we live in a fast food society. But when you become aware of how the food is really affecting you, for better or for worse, then breaking bad habits becomes easier.
Juicing is a great and easy way to move in the right direction. It can be done when detoxing or for optimal results on a weekly or daily basis, to assist in boosting mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. Juicers can be found online or in your area at major appliance retailers. They range in price, depending on the functions, and are one of the best investments for longevity and feeling great.
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