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Daily Archives: October 30, 2023

Astrology Forecast October 30 – November 5, 2023

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Things will be humming along this week, but don’t expect to get much done.

The Moon is in Gemini for the first three days of the week, inspiring social interactions and brainstorming sessions. The Taurus Moon trine to Pluto in Capricorn this morning will make matters worse by awakening our emotions and evoking the desire for new adventures or planning holidays to exotic destinations.

So, until the middle of the week there may be a lot of idle talk and daydreaming, but very little action. But all is not lost. Some of the ideas and plans we share with others contain seeds of truth that will surely grow into real manifestations!

We may be tempted to just stay in bed on Thursday and Friday as the Cancer Moon combines with the Scorpio Sun to call us inward. We may tend to be in a deep, philosophical mood or experience a sudden spiritual growth spurt. Temporarily becoming a couch potato, however, is a necessary pause to integrate all that has happened over the past few weeks.

Over the weekend things will start to pick up again as the Moon dances into Leo while Saturn goes direct after four months in retrograde. The mental fog of the week will begin to lift, making this a great time to set our goals and intentions for the rest of the year.

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