Daily Archives: December 4, 2016
The Legacy Of Limiting Beliefs
So many people live their life with the beliefs of their ancestors. Others just follow like sheep whatever their spiritual community, or the culture that they grew up in, or now live in.
Some people never question or challenge any of the things they have heard since childhood. Some of these limiting beliefs and ideas have been passed down from generation to generation, and have remained the same for thousands of years. Unless we question some of these outdated beliefs or information, we will stay stuck in limited thinking – always inside the box.
Sometimes we stay stuck thinking or feeling only how our parents of grandparents felt and thought. For example, people whose parents or grandparents lived through a great depression, or have had to endure a scarcity food or heat supply, the primary survival necessities, may feel they have to save everything. What if I will need it someday? I paid so much for it and its too perfectly good to discard. What if, what if.