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Daily Archives: November 6, 2023

Astrology Forecast November 6 – 12, 2023

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Two planets change signs this week, shifting our focus and raising the vibrations for the next few weeks.

Venus moves into Libra, the sign it rules, on Wednesday, followed by Mercury’s move into Sagittarius on Friday. Both will spend the month of November inspiring loving and joyful energies.

Meanwhile, productivity will be the name of the game from this afternoon through Wednesday as the Moon moves through Virgo, calling for organization, analysis and integration. Detailed, focused work, sorting through information, and organizing plans are all themes to expect during this meticulous transit.

It may even be a good idea to work late today, for while things may be highly organized and productive at the office, the Virgo Moon’s opposition to Saturn in Pisces late this afternoon could cause some trouble at home, especially regarding disagreements about dependent children and family finances. Bite your tongue and keep the peace. Also, if an elderly parent or relative lives with you, they are likely to interfere, which will only add fuel to the fire.

The rest of the week will be more relaxed and personable as the Moon transits Libra Thursday through Friday. Combined with Venus entering Libra tomorrow, people will be more friendly, kind, and helpful than usual, so this will be a good time to ask a friend that big favor or your employer for that long-overdue raise.

The weekend unfolds under a mystical Scorpio Moon that will spark our imaginations and bring us into contact with interesting people, ideas and information to consider. Going with the flow will be a theme, as this moon is famous for changing our direction at a moment’s notice.

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