Welcome The New And Improved
April was a month of transformation, new beginnings and change. It was a ‘shift’ month where many found their lives in a state of confusion and not knowing what the cause is. Relationships fell apart. Not just marriages or soul partner relationships, but also relationships with friends, family, career, loss of material items, and so much more.
Why is this happening at this time? When I put this question out to spirit, this is the answer I received in return.
“Your life is changing and so must the attachments that come along with it. We are removing those things that no longer serve you as we know what is best for you even if you think otherwise.
I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better ~ Georg C. Lichtenberg
We know that you hang onto things and people that are not healthy for you. We know that you are compromising on what you truly want and need in your life to bring you to a higher level, simply to not hurt another person. It is time to shift where your energy is coming from and move forward, and to do so you must release the clutter of those around you that are sucking the energy out of you. You will not release them so we are removing them for you.
This is not done to be hurtful; it is happening because that person, item or job is no longer a part of your destiny. By holding on, you are stunting your growth and your spiritual journey is meant to be more. It is time to let go and accept that if someone has left your life, it is all in Divine order. Do not beg them to come back. Do not grieve for them to return. We have someone and something better for your future. Be grateful that we have done the dirty work for you.
Everyone is meant to grow and prosper in this life, and yet many do not. Everyone has lessons to learn before returning to their pure spirit form without the physical body. How are you doing on this path? What life lessons are you being taught? What have you given up or lost in order to progress on your journey? Are you living it with a sense of renewed adventure and joy?
These questions are important because if you are holding onto those things that are preventing you from achieving your true potential, you are creating the unhappy reality that you are living. Let go and know that Universe will replace that which you release in multiples.
When people shake their heads because we are living in a restless age, ask them how they would like to live in a stationary one, and do without change ~ George Bernard Shaw
It is time for each one of you to look at where you are in life. Let go of any old beliefs, convictions or preconceived notions of what your life should look life and how it should happen. Universe’s ideas for you are so much easier. Open yourself up and allow amazing new ideas to come in. Open up and allow yourself to see unlimited possibilities for your growth.
Abundance? Universe has unlimited abundance. It is waiting for you to claim your portion. Love? Universe has unlimited love and again, is waiting for you to claim your portion. There is nothing to great for Universe as it is never ending. Universe is one of endless possibilities. Dream as big as you can – it will become your reality. Believe you deserve it and again, it will become your reality.
Remember to always see life beyond your limitations or what your mind considers a limitation. It is time to tear down the walls that prevent you from your ultimate purpose. It is time to allow Universe to tear away those things and people that no longer serve you and allow the new and improved to come back in.
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