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Daily Archives: October 16, 2024

The Role Of Free Will In Psychic Readings

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Free will is a common theme in psychic readings. People often wonder how much of their life is predetermined and how much they control their own future, destiny and happiness.

The truth is that our free will not only shapes our daily lives – it’s also at the core of who we are as spiritual beings on a human journey. Free will is inescapable in our lives. This is why it is a central theme in almost every spiritual, religious, and wisdom tradition.

Whether it’s the concept of karma in Hinduism and Buddhism, the moral responsibility to follow divine guidance in Christianity and Judaism, or the pursuit of virtue and inner peace in Stoicism and Taoism, the concept of free will has shaped our understanding of personal fulfillment, spirituality, and destiny since the dawn of humanity.

While interpretations of free will may vary, its presence in our lives is undeniable and determines how we experience life – unless, of course, one subscribes to an atheistic worldview that denies any higher power or spiritual framework for our existence. But even atheists must admit that their lives are also very much determined by their own choices and decisions.

We all have the inner power to shape our lives through our thoughts, beliefs, choices and actions. But with this freedom comes a great responsibility: karma. The ability to create our reality and shape our future has ripple effects that affect not only our own lives, but everything and everyone in the universe.

One of the great questions surrounding free will is the relationship between fate and personal freedom. Many spiritual beliefs hold that our lives unfold according to a divine plan or cosmic blueprint. But if everything is predestined, ordained by a higher power, and happens by divine design, why do we have the ability to make our own life choices at all? Why do we have free will if our lives are already set in stone?

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