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Astrology Forecast February 13 – 19, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe imaginative, dreamy idealism of a Scorpio Moon trine with Neptune in Pisces this morning is a great opportunity to boost your usual spiritual practice. Make use of this inspirational moment to meditate on your goals and set new intentions. It is also a great time to pray, do meaningful crystal energy work, or consult your favorite oracle card deck.

However, do take care today, as the Scorpio Moon might also be casting illusions and misunderstandings our way. Be mindful of what you read and hear, but also take everything with a grain of salt. Do your research before reacting or moving in any direction. Stay calm and act sensibly, as the Scorpio Half Moon has the power to plunge us into drama at work, public disagreements, and conflict with our loved ones.

A lighter vibe prevails tomorrow and Wednesday under the Sagittarius Moon, casting a productive, yet balanced energy.

If you have any heavy lifting to do this week, or projects that urgently need to be completed, then Thursday and Friday are the best days to accomplish those tasks, as the Capricorn Moon exudes diligence and drive.

The Sun moves into Pisces on Saturday, so we will be spending the next four weeks in a more spiritual, mystical state of mind. Exploring our inner lives more deeply and investigating the metaphysical will be more prevalent. Also, as the final sign of the zodiac before a new cycle begins, this will be the time to wrap things up, review the past year from a spiritual perspective, and resolve long-standing issues in the area of health, wealth, and relationships. This is also a time when secrets may come out, so if you’re hiding any, be extra careful, or they might end up on the evening news!

The weekend’s socially-oriented Aquarius Moon promotes, unity, friendship, and catching up with loved ones.

About The Author: Susyn

Susyn lives in New Mexico, and offers Psychic Guidance, Astrological Insights and Channeled Messages that will change your life! Her credentials are top-notch and include a doctorate in metaphysical studies and certifications from The American Association of Professional Psychics and The American Tarot Guild. She's also a published author, with two metaphysical books under her belt, and has authored numerous articles and horoscope columns. In addition to her readings, Susyn is also a mentoring practitioner who teaches others how to master their own gifts, raise their vibrations, and empower themselves. A sought after guest on numerous radio programs, she has also hosted her own radio show. If you're looking for one of the truly bright shining stars who can also read them with an accuracy that will astound, look no further. You can find Susyn at

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